Thursday, May 26, 2016

I need a dollar..dollar!

If I had a dollar for every time I started a healthy eating challenge in the last 4 years, I'd have about 10 Dollars.  That's not a terrible number, considering I would say I am more like in the 100 for every time I have talked myself into a per of shoes or 500 for every time I've convinced myself that TACOS are the healthiest option for me when deciding on dinner.  I also have started 4 different blogs in my life time and to be honest I never stick with them...but that's could be due to my fear of commitment (a story for another blog).

So why now, why write now.  Well let me tell you a little diddy about A_Dizzle and her friend Kaz.

This story started three year ago in the U.A.E where Kaz and I use to live and met at crossfit.  We became pretty fast friends when we both realized we loved judging people and giving people nicknames so we could talk about them in front of them...may sound harsh but meh life is harsh wear a helmet.   Anyways, one day Kaz and I had this BRILLIANT idea to eat Paleo and "Clean" for 365 days.  We were gonna get super sexy and get all the mens afterwards and I was going to blog about it too, because I love to blog.  Well long story short that idea lasted about 3 weeks (which by the way is pretty awesome for us, the longest we've ever lasted was on a $500 bet and I lost that at 70 days, and I still owe her that $500.00) and the blog died in blog land.  Now its wasn't like we quit because we are too lazy to eat right, I mean we are a tad bit lazy but no that isn't why it lasted.  We ended our 365 day challenge because I decided to backpack around Europe (dude, the land of beer, cheese and bread) and Kaz had to deal with the brutality of RAMADAN in the UAE (trust when I say that shit be no fun).

Anyways, a couple moons ago on my Facebook "On this day" reminder I was reminded of this little idea we had and I thought hmm maybe Kaz and I should try this again and since we talk about EVERY day I brought up this idea.  At first we joked about how bad we are at doing these types of challenges and Kaz even reminded me of snorkels. We joked about certain foods being "Paleo" like Tequila and Tacos but then we thought well why not?!  Why do we talk ourselves out of at least trying?  So, here I sit, writing this blog, eating peas and bison and once again on the amazing track of 365 days of Paleo.

As part of the deal with Kaz I will be tracking my "progress" or "regress" on this blog.  I wont guarantee it will be a daily entry type of blog but I will say every week Ill definitely be writing about something healthy or at least entertaining.  I am not looking for this to be a fitness blog or a healthy eating blog or an advice blog or anything like that, its more of an expression blog.  A way for me to express my love for working out, my adventures of healthy eat and probably, most likely, my love for TACOS!!!

On your right I put some of my favourite links.  Links to yummy meals, my crossfit gym (yes I lava the crossfit), ways I track my meals and my favourite TACO joint in Denver.  Enjoy and leave some comments!! I love hearing ideas etc!

Oh and just in case you want to stalk me more follow me on the instagram @butilovetacos.  I promise you wont find classy pictures of what I am eating....more like pictures of my dog or me making silly faces with friends, but at least it shows I am not a robot!

Ok- Signing off now!